
The inventory and the Valuation in 1777, of the magnificent Music Library belonging to the Twelfth Duke of Alba and of his collection of musical instruments not only revealed the Duke as an international authority on music for stringed instruments but it also presented, in a very valid manner, Madrid as a center of creation of chamber music for Spanish and Italian musicians living in Spain and their interpretation, in a private capacity, in the residences of Nobles like the Duke of Alba. More than a thousand pieces of chamber music including works by the most important composers from France, Germany, Bohemia, Italy and Spain, together with a magnificent collection of instruments (Stradivarius, Guadagnini, Piatellini, etc.) means that Madrid can now take its proper place along with the other European centers of 18th century chamber music composition. El Inventario y la Tasaci車n de la sobresaliente biblioteca musical del duod谷cimo Duque de Alba y de sus instrumentos musicales de 1777, no s車lo muestra al Duque como un conocedor internacional de la m迆sica para cuerda sino que adem芍s presenta de una manera v芍lida a Madrid como centro de creaci車n de m迆sica de c芍mara por compositores espa oles e italianos residentes en Espa a y su interpretaci車n, de forma privada, en las casas de los nobles como el Duque de Alba. M芍s de mil obras de c芍mara, que incluyen obras de los compositores m芍s relevantes de Francia, Alemania y Bohemia, Italia y Espa a, junto a una magn赤fica colecci車n de instrumentos (Stradivarius, obras de Guadagnini, Piatellini, etc.), hacen que Madrid puede ahora ocupar el lugar que le corresponde junto a los otros centros europeos de creaci車n de m迆sica de c芍mara durante el siglo XVIII.
