stereotactic radiotherapy is an external radiation modality that uses a system of three dimensional references independent of the patient to achive a precise location of the lesion. stereotactic radiotherapy generate highly conformal, precisely focused radiation beams to administer very high doses of radiation without increasing the radiation to healthy surrounding organs or structures. when the procedure is carried out in one treatment session the procedure is termed radiosurgery, and when the treatment is administered in several fractions, the radiation modality is termed stereotactic radiotherapy. special systems of patient immobilization (guides or stereotactic frames) are required together with radiotherapy devices capable of generating conformal beams (lineal accelerator, gammaknife, cyberknife, tomotherapy, cyclotrons). modern stereotactic radiotherapy techniques employ intra-tumoural radio-opaque fiducials or ct image systems included in the irradiation device, which make possible a precise location of mobile lesions in each treatment session. besides, technological advances permit breathing synchronized radiation (gating and tracking) for maximum tightening of margins and excluding a greater volume of healthy tissue. radiosurgery is mainly indicated in benign or malign cerebral lesions less than 3-4 centimetres (arteriovenous malformations, neurinomas, meningiomas, cerebral metastases) and stereotactic radiotherapy is basically administered in tumours of extracraneal location that require high conformation and precision, such as inoperable early lung cancer and liver metastasis.