Analyse structurale des fractions polysaccharidiques extraites de laparoi cellulaire d*Hypnea musciformis (Rhodophyceae, Gigartinales)

作者:A Mouradi; M Chikhaoui Khay; SA Akki; R Akallal; I Hrrimle; T Givernaud
来源:Afrique Science: Revue Internationale des Sciences et Technologie , 2006.


Structural analyze of polysaccharidic fractions extracted from the cellular wall of Hypnea musciformis (Rhodophyceae, Gigartinales) In Morocco, the industry of carrageenans (gelling and thickening) polysaccharides is not yet developed and the activity is reduced to the harvest and to the export in the raw state of some species of Gigartinaceae. Polysaccharides fractions of the cell wall of the carrageenophyte Hypnea musciformis extracted according to their degree of solubility in water at various temperatures and increasing of ethanol concentration were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Both methods of extraction show the homogeneity of the polymers extracted. The chemical composition of the phycocollo ds does not show important variations as regards the galactose and 3.6 anhydrogalactose which are the main constituents of the polysaccharide chain. Besides, sulfates are bound (connected) to the light fractions of carrageenans extracted according to the temperature and do not appear simultaneously during their synthesis according to the extraction to the ethanol. The IR and RMN of 13C spectroscopic analysis showed that the fractions extracted at different temperatures and concentrations of ethanol have de same structure. The carrageenans extracted from the wall of Hypnea musciformis is omogenize of kappa type.
