
This paper deals with Iterative Learning Control ILC schemes to solve the trajectory tracking problem of strictly unknown nonlinear systems subject to external disturbances, and performing repetitive tasks. Two ILC laws are presented, the first law is the high order, i.e., the information (error) of several iterations are used in the control law. The second law is the ILC with forgetting factor, i.e., the control of the preceding iteration is multiplied by a matrix of the gains. Indeed, the advantage of these algorithms, it is not only applicable for nonlinear systems with model uncertainty, but also for nonlinear systems with no data exists, neither in the structure model nor in the system parameters. In addition, the control design is very simple in the sense that there is no requirement on the choice of the learning gains. Furthermore, the convergence of our algorithms is independent of initial conditions. The asymptotic stability of the closed loop system is guaranteed. This proof is based upon the use of a Lyapunov-like positive definite sequence, which is shown to be monotonically decreasing under the proposed control schemes. Finally, simulation results on nonlinear system are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed controllers.