
作者:Yang Huikang; Hou Fuqing; Ding Nengxin; Zhang Chunhui*
来源:China Pulp and Paper, 2023, 42(3): 78-86.


In this study,alumina fiber paper with low density and excellent evenness was made by foam forming technology,and the construction of alumina fiber foam slurry system and the effects of alumina fiber length and content on foam characteristics and paper sheet evenness were focused. The results showed that the foam slurry system under the combination of polyethylene oxide(PEO)and gemini quaternary ammonium salt(GS)could effectively disperse alumina fiber,and the evenness of the paper sheet after forming was the best. Compared with wet forming,the use of foam forming technology was conducive to the dispersion of alumina fiber,while in? creasing the fiber content. When the fiber content was 0. 2%,the evenness index of the alumina fiber foamed sheet with a fiber length of 36 mm was 109,which was 42% lower than that of the 6 mm alumina fiber wet-formed paper sheet(187). When the content of alu? mina fibers was 1. 2%,the evenness index of foam-formed paper sheet was 105,which was 44% lower than that of wet-formed paper sheet(187)with 0.2% fiber content. ? 2023 China Technical Association of Paper Industry.
