Abordagem de pacientes com 迆lcera da perna de etiologia venosa

作者:Abbade; Luciana Patricia Fernandes; Lastoria; Sidnei
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2006.


venous ulcers are common in adult population. they cause significant socioeconomic impact due to recurrence and the long interval between onset and healing. if venous ulcers are not appropriately managed, they present high rates of healing failure and recurrence. despite their high prevalence and importance, venous ulcers are often neglected and inadequately managed. this review discusses diagnosis and therapy of lower limb venous ulcers. clinical diagnosis is based on history and physical examination, emphasizing associated signs and symptoms, and pulse palpation of lower limbs. doppler must be used to determine the ankle-arm index, and non-invasive exams, such as duplex scan, are requested to evaluate the superficial, deep and perforating venous systems. accurate clinical and laboratory diagnosis of venous ulcers, as well as appropriate treatment of their complications are fundamental for successful therapy. efforts must be directed towards healing and avoiding recurrences. advanced knowledge on the venous ulcer physiopathogenesis has led to development of new clinical and surgical treatments.
