
Con el objetivo de caracterizar el dominio de las auditor赤as de informaci車n, se analiz車 su producci車n cient赤fica en la base de datos LISA en el per赤odo 1979-2008. Se estudi車 la productividad por a os, pa赤ses, t赤tulo de revista, autores y l赤neas de investigaci車n. Para esto se emplearon herramientas inform芍ticas como Endnote, Bibexcel y Ucinet. En el per赤odo estudiado, se publicaron un total de 153 art赤culos de 180 autores, que publicaron sus trabajos en 59 t赤tulos de revistas procedentes de 12 pa赤ses. Los Estados Unidos acumularon el mayor n迆mero de t赤tulos (26) y el mayor porcentaje de art赤culos en relaci車n con el total (45,75 %). La revista m芍s productiva fue International Journal of Information Management, del Reino Unido. Los autores con un mayor aporte al tema fueron Steven Buchanan y Forbes Gibb. Aiming to characterize the information audit domain, its scientific production was analyzed in LISA database during 1979-2008. Yearly productivity, countries, journals title, authors, and lines of research were studied. Some informatics tools were used such as Endnote, Bibexcel and Ucinet. In the study period, a total of 153 articles was published from 180 authors, whose papers were published in 59 journals from 12 countries. The United States accumulated the greatest number of titles (26) and the greatest percentage of articles related to the total (45.7%); where the International Journal of Information Management from the United Kingdom was the most productive one. The authors with a greatest contribution on the theme were Steven Buchanan and Forbes Gibb.
