
Se pondera la ciencia desde la perspectiva dial谷ctica materialista y se pone de relieve su relaci車n directa con la evoluci車n en el tiempo de la especie humana. Se enuncian los antecedentes del movimiento cient赤fico en Cuba y se indican las circunstancias que propiciaron el despegue de la ciencia genuinamente cubana, con menci車n de varios de sus m芍ximos exponentes a tenor de la bibliograf赤a por ellos producida. Se destaca la significaci車n del Papel Peri車dico de La Habana en su condici車n de soporte, donde han quedado registradas las primeras noticias y art赤culos de car芍cter cient赤fico producidos por cubanos, entre ellos 1594 trabajos sobre aspectos m谷dicos, desde su aparici車n en 1790 hasta 1840, a o en que surgi車 la primera revista cient赤fico-m谷dica editada en el pa赤s. Se subraya la significaci車n del a o 1797 como momento hist車rico que marc車 el inicio de la bibliograf赤a cient赤fica moderna en el territorio nacional, particularmente en la ciencia m谷dica, donde salieron a relucir nuevas concepciones que se constituyeron en expresi車n concreta de un criterio cient赤fico independiente y propio, y adem芍s contribuyeron de modo sustancial, al progreso de la naci車n cubana, como fundamento evidente de una etapa precisa de su evoluci車n hist車rica con la aparici車n de una nueva formaci車n social. In this article, the science is pondered from the dialectical materialistic perspective and it is relieved its direct relationship with the evolution of the human species through the time. The antecedents of the Cuban scientific movement are enunciated and the circumstances that propitiated the take off of the genuinely Cuban science, pointing out several of their maximum exponents in the context of the bibliography produced by them. It is stood out the significance of the Papel Peri車dico de La Habana in Havana city as a supporting condition, where were been registered the first news and articles of scientist character taken place for Cuban scientists, among them 1594 works have more than enough medical aspects, from their appearance in 1790 up to 1840, year of the first journal scientific-doctor published in the country arose. The significance of the year 1797 is underlined, particularly as historical moment that marked the beginning of the scientific modern bibliography in the national territory, in the medical science, where were left to glitter new conceptions that constituted the concrete of a scientific independent expression and own approach that contributed from a substantial way to the progress of the Cuban nation, like evident foundation of a precise stage of its histor
