Embolizaˋˋo da reperfusˋo do aneurisma da art谷ria popl赤tea com Onyxˋ

作者:Pires; Ligia Jackeline Iorio; Diogo; Lorenza Baptista; Marassi; Jorge Porto; Silva; Orlando Bonin; Santos; Lys Nunes dos; Mayall; Monica Rochedo; Lacativa; Marcelo Andrei Sampaio; Riguetti Pinto; Cristina Ribeiro
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2011.


the popliteal artery aneurysm is the most frequent of the peripheral aneurysms. although asymptomatic, it can complicate with severe limb ischemia due to embolization or thrombosis. the surgical correction presents well-established techniques and results, while the less invasive endovascular therapy is still evolving. the recurrence is very rare and can be related to collateral artery refilling. we report a recurrent popliteal artery aneurysm after two years of conventional ligation and bypass surgery, in which an alternative endovascular strategy was successfully applied.
