
Deer and sheep are used as spinal animal models in clinical and basic research. In this paper, the anatomical morphology, curvature, and morphology index parameters were investigated to assess the feasibility of using deer and sheep as animal models of the human spine. Fresh adult male sheep, deer, and human spine specimens (n = 10 each) were screened and subjected to morphological analyses. The statistical software package SPSS (version 17.0) was used to analyze the statistical similarity and variability among the 3 species. Deer displayed good similarity to human in terms of the vertebral transverse diameter, radius vector, spinal canal transverse diameter, radius vector, and vertebral upper and lower endplate curvature radii. Sheep displayed good similarity to human in terms of the vertebral body height, pedicle height, vertebral mid-lever curvature radius, and vertebral positive curvature radius. Human, deer, and sheep each displayed unique morphological characteristics and trends for the lumbar spine. These findings indicate that deer and sheep are good spinal animal models of human in morphometry, but with specific advantages in different research fields: deer are more suitable when studying vertebrae and endplate structures, while sheep are more suitable when referring to structures such as the vertebral walls. Los ciervos y las ovejas se utilizan como modelos animales para la investigaci車n cl赤nica y b芍sica de columna vertebral. En este trabajo, fueron investigados par芍metros de morfolog赤a anat車mica, curvatura e 赤ndice morfol車gico para evaluar la viabilidad de la utilizaci車n de ciervos y ovejas como modelos animales de la columna vertebral humana. Fueron examinados y sometidos a an芍lisis morfol車gicos, espec赤menes frescos de columna vertebral (n = 10 cada uno) de ovejas y ciervos machos adultos, y columnas de individuos adultos humanos, de sexo masculino. Se utiliz車 el programa estad赤stico SPSS (versi車n 17.0) para analizar la similitud estad赤stica y la variabilidad entre las 3 especies. Los ciervos muestran similitud con el humano en t谷rminos del di芍metro vertebral transversal, vector radio, di芍metro del canal espinal transversal, vector radio, y los radios de curvatura vertebral superior e inferior de la placa terminal. Las ovejas muestran similitud con el humano en cuanto a la altura del cuerpo vertebral, altura del ped赤culo, curvatura de radio vertebral medio, y el radio de curvatura vertebral positiva. Los humanos, ciervos y ovejas muestran caracter赤sticas morfol車gicas y direcciones de la columna vertebral 迆nicas. Estos hallazgos indican que l
