background: pytiriasis versicolor is an infectious disease caused by several malassezia species which has a tendency to become relapsing or chronic. objectives: this study was conducted in an attempt to investigate the clinical course of pityriasis versicolor with regard to the number of relapses after a 12-month therapy and correlate this number with isolates of malassezia species. material and methods: 102 patients with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of pityriasis versicolor were monitored for 12 months to investigate the number of relapsing episodes of the disease. results: after appropriate treatment, pityriasis versicolor presented three types of clinical course: pity - riasis versicolor without relapsing episodes (32.35%), relapsing pityriasis versicolor with one to four relapsing episodes (52.94% ) due to associated predisposing factors, and chronic pityriasis versicolor with more than four relapsig episodes (14.70%) with no relation to predisposing factors. conclusions: the clinical course of pityriasis versicolor varied according to the number of relapsing episodes of the disease analyzed over a period of 12 months and can be classified as follows: pityriasis versiolor with clinical and mycological clearing, relapsing pityriasis versicolor and chronic pityriasis versicolor.