O nitrog那nio 谷 o nutriente mais absorvido e oneroso na produ o do milho. O estudo foi desenvolvido na Fazenda experimental da Feis/Unesp, Selv赤ria, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Os objetivos foram avaliar, em termos econ micos, a melhor dose e 谷poca de aplica o do N, na forma de ur谷ia, no milho sob plantio direto em sucess o 角 crotal芍ria juncea, milheto e ao solo em pousio e quantificar a contribui o do N proveniente dos adubos verdes, equivalente ao N do fertilizante ur谷ia. O delineamento foi o de blocoscasualizados com 24 tratamentos e quatro repeti es, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3 x 2 + 6, tr那s doses de N: 80, 130 e 180 kg ha-1; tr那s sistemas de cobertura do solo: crotal芍ria, milheto e pousio; duas 谷pocas de aplica o do N: est芍dio quatro ou oito folhas e seis tratamentos adicionais (tr那s sem N e tr那s com 30 kg ha-1 de N na semeadura). O cultivo do milho em sucess o 角 crotal芍ria e a aplica o do N no milho com quatro folhas em sucess o ao milheto e ao solo em pousio proporcionaram maior produtividade f赤sica e econ mica de gr os. Nitrogen is the most absorbed nutrient and also the most expensive in corn crop production. This study was conducted at the Experimental Farm of Unesp/Feis, located in Selv赤ria, state of Mato Grosso do Sul,Brazil. One objective was to evaluate, in economic terms, the best rate and time of N application, as urea, in corn crop grown under no-tillage in succession to sunnhemp, millet and fallow ground. The study also aimed to quantify the contribution of N from greenmanure equivalent to N from urea fertilizer. The experiment was designed in randomized complete blocks, with 24 treatments and four replications in an incomplete factorial, 3 x 3 x 2 + 6, three N rates: 80, 130 and 180 kg N ha-1; three preceding cover crops: sunnhemp, millet and fallow ground; two N application time: stage four leaves or eight leaves; and six additional treatments (three without N application and three that received 30 kg N ha-1 atseeding). The corn crop in succession to sunnhemp and the application of N in the four leaves stage in succession to millet and fallow ground soil promoted larger physical and economical grains yield.