Flor赤stica, estrutura e caracter赤sticas do solo de um fragmento de floresta paludosa no sudeste do Brasil

作者:Loures; Laercio; Carvalho; Douglas Antnio de; Machado; Evandro Luiz Mendona; Marques; Joo Jose Granate de Sa e Melo
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2007.


a survey of the tree community was conducted for an upland semideciduous riparian forest, located on the upper rio pardo, santa rita de caldas, minas gerais (1156 to 1203 m altitude), in order to evaluate structural variation and environmental variables associated with the substrate. density, basal area, tree size distribution and floristic composition were evaluated. in 25 10x40 m plots, all trees with dbh %26gt; 5 cm were sampled, topographical aspects were determined and soil samples were collected for chemical and textural analyses. a total of 2982 individuals from 50 families, 78 genera and 110 species were recorded. a sequence of three soil subgroups (organosoil, melanic gleisoil and haplic gleisoil) was registered in a downstream direction. floristic composition and structure the tree community was different from other swamp and alluvial forests of southern and southeastern brazil, at lower altitudes. canonical correspondence analysis detected a tree-species distribution gradient correlated mainly with clay content and elevation variation.
