the anatomical and clinical anatomy of the arterial circle of brain knowledge , is each time more necessary by cause of the complex neural relation of its components and great variability. thirty six unfixed brain were obtained at autopsy from adult individuals without signs of cerebrovascular disease and the specimens had registered bioanthropological data. the caliber of the posterior communicating arteries corresponds to 1.08 mm (s.d. 0.45) mean both sides and the longitude to 17.51 mm (s.d. 7.9 ) in the right side and 16.9 mm (s.d. 8.0) in the left side. the p1 segment of the posterior cerebral artery presented a caliber of 2.56 mm (s.d. 0.77) in the right side and of 2.32 mm (s.d. 0.64) in the left side. the length of these arteries corresponded to 9.43 mm (s.d.8.92) in the right side and of 8.82 mm (s.d. 7.33) in the left side. the observed dimensions present variability that we considered interesting to chirurgical anatomy