
The trace mineral trivalent chromium (Cr3+) is an essential nutrient involved in the regulation of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism via an enhancement of insulin action. The present work had as objective to characterize histopathologically and histometrically the hepatic alterations of female Wistar rats, determined by the chromium III administration in drinking water. Adult rats received ration and drinking water ad libitum containing 300 or 500 mg/l chromium III during 4 months. Control animals received only water and ration. All animals were sacrificed by lethal dose of anesthetic. Samples of liver were fixed in 10% formalin for 24 h. Tissues for microscopical pathology were processed using standard procedures. Paraffin sections prepared at 6 米m were stained with haematoxylin and eosin and PAS. Besides the histopathological exam, histometrical techniques were used. The blood was collected and processed for hematological study. Histopathological analysis revealed periportal, midzonal and pericentrilobular zones with parenchyma cells with varying degrees of vacuolation. Many hepatocytes are ballooned and the nuclei were in lysis. The centrilobular vein was dilated and congested. Dilated sinusoids containing erythrocytes were observed. The portal area showed fibrosis, biliar duct proliferation with small cells. Histometric study showed increased cytoplasm and cell volumes, and small values for number of hepatocytes per mm3. Lymphopenia was observed in 500 mg/l Cr3+/l treated animals. These results indicate that the chromium III has a direct participation in liver structures alterations El cromo trivalente (Cr3+) es un nutriente esencial involucrado en la regulaci車n del metabolismo de carbohidratos, l赤pidos y prote赤nas, a trav谷s de un est赤mulo a la acci車n de la insulina. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar histopatol車gicamente e histom谷tricamente las alteraciones hep芍ticas de ratas Wistar hembras, provocadas por la administraci車n de cromo III en agua potable. Ratas adultas recibieron raci車n y agua potable ad libitum, conteniendo 300 車 500 mg/l de cromo III, durante 4 meses. Los animales control recibieron solo agua y raci車n. Todos los animales fueron sacrificados con dosis letal de anest谷sico. Muestras de h赤gado, fijadas en formol al 10% por 24 h, fueron cortadas a 6 米m y te idas con hematoxilina y eosina o PAS. Adem芍s del examen histopatol車gico, fueron usadas t谷cnicas histom谷tricas. La sangue fue recolectada y procesada para estudio hematol車gico. El an芍lisis histopatol車gico revel車, en la zonas periportal, intermediaria y pericent
