the present study investigated the pollen grain morphology of ten floodplain plant species from ilha da marchantaria and tarumˋ-mirim located 20 km from manaus (am). the species were collected from april to august 2000 and august 2001. the following species were described: cassia leiandra benth. (caesalpiniaceae), campsiandra comosa var. laurifolia (benth.) cowan (caesalpiniaceae), hevea spruceana (benth) m邦ll. arg. (euphorbiaceae), piranhea trifoliata baill. (euphorbiaceae), laetia corymbulosa spruce ex benth. (flacourtiaceae), eschweilera tenuifolia (o. berg) miers (lecythidaceae), acacia polyphylla dc. (mimosaceae), inga micradenia spruce ex benth. (mimosaceae), simaba orinocensis kunth (simarubaceae), vitex cymosa bert. ex spreng. (verbenaceae). the pollen analysis established that these species presented pollen grains of a great variability of morphological characteristics.