Fatores competitivos de produˋˋo em medicina diagn車stica: da 芍rea t谷cnica ao mercado

作者:Campana; Gustavo Aguiar; Faro; Lorena Brito de; Gonzalez; Carmen Paz Oplustil
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2009, 45(4): 295-303.


diagnostic medicine is currently a pool of medical specialties oriented to conduct complementary tests for clinical diagnostics. the higher market competitiveness has led management teams to make trade offs among strategic factors such as quality, reliability, flexibility, velocity and costs with the aim to define the contribution of the production area to the company. the determination of these factors based on clients' expectations, benchmarking and subject to systematical analysis define the company strategy. the simulation of a production area strategy planning is presented to demonstrate the concepts discussed in this article.
