
Los procedimientos cl赤nicos a nivel del hueso mandibular en Odontolog赤a, en las etapas de diagn車stico, planificaci車n y tratamiento, son rutinarios. Para poder realizar dichas fases, es relevante conocer en forma precisa la anatom赤a mandibular, con el fin de minimizar los riesgos en los procedimientos anest谷sicos, quir迆rgicos y prot谷sicos. El uso de radiograf赤as panor芍micas es cada vez m芍s frecuente, las cuales permiten un estudio de la anatom赤a mandibular bilateral. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la morfolog赤a de la mand赤bula a trav谷s radiograf赤as panor芍micas, estudiando espec赤ficamente la ubicaci車n de estructuras, como el foramen mandibular en relaci車n a los diferentes m芍rgenes de la rama de la mand赤bula. El foramen mental se analiz車 en relaci車n con el cuerpo mandibular, y se revisaron las longitudes de la rama y cuerpo mandibulares. Se estudiaron 50 radiograf赤as panor芍micas, sin diferencia de g谷nero, el rango de edad estaba entre 25 y 72 a os y sin patolog赤a disfuncional. Los for芍menes mandibular y mental, en este estudio no mostraron variaciones significativas. La ubicaci車n del foramen mandibular se encontr車 estable en ambos lados. In dentistry, the clinical procedures at mandible level, in the diagnosis, planification and treatment stages are ratinaries. To develop these phases it%26apos;s necessary to know the mandible%26apos;s anatomy to minimize the risks in anesthetic, surgical and prosthetic procedures. The use of panoramic radiographies is becoming more common every day and they aL1ow studying the bilateral mandible anatomy. This study%26apos;s goal was to analyze the mandible%26apos;s morphology throw panoramic radiographies. This was got by the study of the structures location such as the mandible%26apos;s foramen in relation to the different margins of the mandible%26apos;s branches. The mentonian foramen was analyzed in relation to mandible body and the sizes of the mandible body and the mandible branch were checked. Both genders v50 panoramic radiographies were analyzed. The age range was between 25 to 72 years o赤d. They didn%26apos;t present dysfunctional pathology. In this study, the mandible and mental foramens didn%26apos;t show significant variations. The mandible foramen%26apos;s location was found stable in both sides.
