Pfaffia glomerata 谷 uma esp谷cie nativa da Am谷rica do Sul e de ocorr那ncia natural em alguns Estados do Brasil. Por谷m, as popula es naturais de f芍fia t那m sido amea adas em decorr那ncia do intenso extrativismo, em virtude de suas propriedades terap那uticas deinteresse. No presente estudo, objetivou-se estimar a diversidade gen谷tica de quatro popula es naturais oriundas da bacia do Rio Paran芍. Os indiv赤duos foram multiplicados in vitro e caracterizados de acordo com o padr o eletrofor谷tico de marcadores RAPD, utilizando-se 268 marcas polim車rficas obtidas a partir de 67 primers. As estimativas de distancia gen谷tica foram obtidas pelo complemento aritm谷tico do coeficiente de Nei e Li, e os gen車tipos agrupados de acordo com o m谷todo UPGMA. Tr那s popula es situadas pr車ximas 角s margens do rio Paran芍 e na ilha do Mineiro apresentaram baixos 赤ndices de diversidade entre elas, e estas possuem o mesmo fluxo de dispers o dos prop芍gulos. A popula o situada nas proximidades da margem do rio Iva赤 (afluente do rio Paran芍) apresentou maiores valores de diversidade dentro da popula o e entre as popula es,indicando que sua preserva o 谷 priorit芍ria e a origem da variabilidade pode estar relacionada ao fluxo de dispers o de prop芍gulos. Pfaffia glomerata is a native species from South America, occurring naturally in some states of Brazil. The ever growing interest by thespecies, mainly due to its important therapeutic properties, has threatened the natural populations, as exploitation has occurred in a rather predatory way. The present study aimed to compare the genetic diversity of four natural populations originated from of thearea of the Paran芍 River basin (Paran芍 and Mato Grosso States). The individuals were propagated in vitro and characterized by means of RAPD markers. A total of 267 polymorphic marks were obtained from 67 primers. The genetic distance estimates were obtained based on the complement arithmetic of Nei and Li*s similarity coefficient, and thegenotypes were grouped according to the UPGMA method. Three populations from the margin of the Paran芍 River and at Mineiro Island presented low diversity levels among them, though possessing the same propagule dispersal flow. The population located in the proximities of the margin of the Iva赤 river (tributary of the river Paran芍) presented greater diversity values within and among the populations, suggesting that its preservation should be a priority and that the origin of the genetic variability may be related to the dispersionflow of the vegetative propagules.