to determine scientific evidence in the brazilian literature about the occupational risks exposure of public health workers. electronic search was conducted in lilacs, dedalus, and the university of sˋo paulo thesis databases for the last 15 years. 279 publications on occupational risks were retrieved. only 12 (4. 3%) addressed occupational risks in public health workers. the public health workers were from a %26quot;basic health unit%26quot;, a %26quot;district basic health unit%26quot;, or a %26quot;family health center%26quot;. reports of psychosocial risks for workers existed in all studies. in addition, 66. 7% of the studies reported biological risks for workers.clinicians and researchers need to pay more attention to occupational risks. in particular, more emphasis needs to be placed on potential occupational risks among public health workers. the focus should then be on developing appropriate preventive measures to promote these workers%26apos; health.