Doenˋa de Mucha-Habermann (variante febril 迆lcero-necr車tica) com acometimento mucoso exuberante: relato de caso

作者:Cumming; Moema Mignac; Salathiel; Adriana S; Paino; Mario Alberto S; Delort; Sergio; Roselino; Ana Maria
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2009, 84(6): 655-658.


pityriasis lichenoides is a rare idiopathic cutaneous disorder, with a clinical-histopathological spectrum comprising the acute varioliform form (mucha-habermann%26apos;s disease), its febrile ulceronecrotic variant, and its chronic form. systemic manifestations may occur in the febrile ulceronecrotic variant, with reports of adult mortality. the case of a young male patient with clinical and histopathological diagnosis of mucha-habermann*s disease, febrile ulceronecrotic variant, with severe mucosal involvement - an occasional incidence even in the most severe forms of pityriasis lichenoides - is presented. in addition to the atypical clinical aspect, an excellent therapeutic result is shown with the association of prednisone and methotrexate.
