this work compares the volumes of coarse woody debris produced in an area, with the another one logged forest by reduced impact logging methods, in called property farm saint marta (3o04's, 49o14'w). this locates-itself in the hidrogr芍fic basin of the medium river moju, city homonym, northeast of the state of par芍, eastern amazˋnia. the studies had been carried through in total area of 426ha, referring the 4 units of work immediate of forest management areas. two of these units had been explored by reduced impact logging, totalizing 217ha, and the others two in undisturberd forest totalizing 209ha. it was used line intercept sampling for as method to quantify the coarse woody debris in 6,000 m of lines for each situation, totalizing 12,000 m of sampling lines. the fallen woody debris was measured on the forest floor, with superior diameter 10 cm, considering the diameter and the state of decomposition of the measured parts. the estimated volume was 82 m3ha-1 in undisturbed forest and 137 m3ha-1 in logged forest by reduced impact logging methods.