
O objetivo deste estudo 谷 analisar a distribui o espacial da mortalidade por causas externas (acidentes de transito, homic赤dios, suic赤dios, quedas, afogamentos e outras causas externas) no Munic赤pio de Maring芍, no per赤odo de 1999 a 2001. A representa o espacial da mortalidade por causas externas levou em considera o as zonas censit芍rias e as caracter赤sticas socioecon micas destas. Para isso, foram utilizados o programa ArcView 3.0 e as proposi es da semiologia gr芍fica para elabora o dos mapas tem芍ticos. Os resultadosdesta an芍lise evidenciaram desigualdades na mortalidade por causas violentas nos tr那s anos de estudo, n o fazendo qualquer distin o entre a infraestrutura urbana e as caracter赤sticas socioecon micas das v赤timas. Dessa forma, 谷 necess芍rio que a cidade seja revista como um espa o de gest o planejada na perspectiva de uma vida saud芍vel para todos, com objetivos concretos de redu o das iniquidades sociais. Portanto, 谷 imprescind赤vel que a promo o da sa迆de incorpore estrat谷gias de altera o no perfil de riscos da morbimortalidade das causas externas, por interm谷dio da formula o das pol赤ticas p迆blicas. The goal of this study is the analysis of the spatial distribution ofmortality from external causes (traffic accidents, homicides, suicides, falls, drownings and other external causes) in the city of Maring芍, between 1999 and 2001. The special representation of the mortality due to external causes considered the census zones and theirsocioeconomic characteristics. For this, the ArcView 3.0 software program was used, as well as the propositions of the semiology of graphics for the elaboration of thematic maps. The results of this analysis showed inequalities in the mortality due to violent causes during the three years of the study, without distinction among the urban infrastructure and the social economic characteristics of the victims. Therefore, it becomes necessary that the city bereviewed as a planned managed space for a healthier life for all, with objective goals to reduce social iniquities. However, it is essential that the promotion of health add strategies for changes in the profile of mortality risks due to external causes, through the formulation of public policies.
