
the of this study is compare the electromiographic activity (emg) of the masseter (ms) and temporal anterior (ta) muscles in subjects with malocclusion angle ii, i and controls. this study involving 19 young adults with similar anthropometric characteristics (age, weight, hight, bmi). we evaluate clinical and radiographicaly this subject and divided it in to groups: control group cg with neutrocclusion and distal group (dg) with angle ii, i malocclusion. the both groups was submit a surface emg according to ferrario et al. (1993). we used the root mean square (rms) math operation to calculate the mean voltage amplitude for each muscle. furthermore we calculate the ratio ms/ta and the distribution of voltage class determinate for motor units actions potentials (muap). the rx examination included sna, snb and anb angles according to steiner (1992), alfa angle and lever arm of ms according the throckmorton et al. (1980) mandibular model. the stundent %26quot;t%26quot; test was used to determine whether there were significant differences (p%26lt;0.05) between cg and dg parameters. the voltage amplitude was more higher in dg than cg. the ratio ms/ta showed protagonism of ms in cg. the alfa angle and lever arm of ms were more greater in dg than cg. dg presents a poor number of voltage class (57.8%) respect to cg (79.0%). dg presents a greater voltage amplitude in relation to cg, probably because the feedback inhibitory periodontal tissue plays an important role. moreover dg presents a low voltage classes distribution of muap that suggest that have minus functional reserve.
