
Se examina el origen del %26quot;factor de impacto%26quot; como indicador de la influencia de una revista cient赤fica y su evoluci車n hasta convertirse en un instrumento altamente redituable para la empresa Thomson Reuters, gracias en parte a su naturaleza excluyente y angloc谷ntrica. El 赤ndice-H de Hirsh y sus variantes, as赤 como la posibilidad de conjugarlo con las prestaciones de Google Acad谷mico, son valorados con detalle y conceptuados como componentes de un modelo alternativo, con imperfecciones diversas, pero libre de buena parte de las objeciones que se han hecho a los indicadores precedentes. Tales posibilidades resultan especialmente atractivas cuando se involucran idiomas diferentes al ingl谷s en el an芍lisis. The paper shows how the dominant journal impact factor has arrived to its present features and discuss the degree in which this metric is prone to be manipulated and misused, as opposed to the prescribed utilization by Thomson Reuter, the corporation in charge of its official computation. Hirsch%26apos;s H-index and a large family of related indicators seek to give a single number that in some sense summarizes an author%26apos;s research output and its impact. The free public availability of information offered by Google Scholar allows citation counts, and analyses based thereon, to be performed and duplicated by anyone. Combining H-index with this information provides an avenue for more transparency and supply an extraordinary opportunity to develop a fairer scienciometric analysis, specially when languages other than English are involved.
