An芍lise cr赤tica dos escores de avaliaˋˋo de gravidade da fibrose c赤stica: estado da arte

作者:Santos; Camila Isabel da Silva; Ribeiro; Jose Dirceu; Ribeiro; Antonio Fernando; Hessel; Gabriel
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2004.


this study carries out a descriptive and comparative analysis of the various types of cystic fibrosis severity scores described in the literature and contextualizes the origin and objective of each. a total of 16 scoring systems were found: 8 are used predominantly for clinical evaluation, 5 for radiographic findings, 2 for tomographic findings and 1 for scintigraphic findings. despite the criticism and controversy regarding these instruments of assessment, they have contributed to a better understanding of the disease and to the development of more effective therapeutic procedures.
