Introducci車n. La neurocisticercosis es la enfermedad parasitaria m芍s frecuente del sistema nervioso central y la primera causa de epilepsia de inicio tard赤o en las 芍reas end谷micas. Nuestro objetivo con este trabajo es orientar a trav谷s de los criterios cl赤nicos y radiol車gicos el diagn車stico de sospecha de esta enfermedad, presentando un caso cl赤nico. Materiales y m谷todos. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 43 a os, natural de Bolivia, que acudi車 al Servicio de Urgencias tras presentar una crisis convulsiva generalizada, presenciada por familiares de la paciente. Resultados. Se realiz車 una tomograf赤a axial computarizada craneal, que permiti車 junto con su historia cl赤nica sospechar una neurocisticercosis. Se ingres車 en neurocirug赤a para completar el estudio, que confirm車 el diagn車stico de sospecha, y recibi車 tratamiento con albendazol y corticoides, con buena evoluci車n. Conclusiones. La neurocisticercosis es una patolog赤a emergente en pa赤ses desarrollados, debido al aumento de la inmigraci車n desde 芍reas end谷micas, principalmente de Am谷rica Latina. La epilepsia es la expresi車n cl赤nica m芍s frecuente, pero la presentaci車n es muy variable. Un alto grado de sospecha es necesario para poder diagnosticar esta enfermedad. Background. Neurocysticercosis is the most frequent parasitic disease of the central nervous system and the first cause of acquired epilepsy in endemic areas. Our aim with this paper is to use clinical and radiological criteria to orientate diagnosis where there is suspicion of neurocysticercosis, presenting a clinical case as an example. Materials and methods. We present the case of a 43 year old woman of Bolivian origin, who came to accidents and emergencies after suffering a generalized convulsive crisis, witnessed by relatives of the patient. Results. A cranial computerized axial tomography was taken, which together with her clinical history led to suspicion of neurocysticercosis. She was admitted to the neurosurgery department for completion of the study, which confirmed the diagnosis of suspicion. She received treatment with albendazol and corticoids, with a good evolution. Conclusions. Neurocysticercosis is an emergent pathology in developed countries, due to the increase of immigration from endemic areas, mainly from Latin America. Epilepsy is the most frequent clinical expression, but presentation can vary greatly. A high degree of suspicion is necessary in order to be able to diagnose this disease.