Under the condition of emergency obstacle avoidance, the driver's operation has the characteristics of quick response and large action amplitude; hence, the traditional preview driver model can no longer meet the demands of emergency obstacle avoidance. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the corresponding driver model by considering actual collision avoidance scenarios. Using driving simulator and actual driver control data on emergency collision conditions, an emergency collision avoidance driver model from the fusion of the preview model and potential field grid method was proposed. Firstly, based on vehicle motion characteristics during emergency collision avoidance, the vehicle lateral and longitudinal coupling nonlinear dynamic models were established, and the state space equation was given. Secondly, the characteristics of the emergency collision avoidance system were analyzed by offline simulation, and a driver model combining the optimal curvature preview and tracking error feedback was established based on a linear quadratic regulator. In addition, a driver model based on the potential field grid method was developed according to empirical data on the steering behavior of real drivers during emergency collision avoidance. To further improve the adaptability of the driver model to obstacle avoidance driving conditions, the driver model from the fusion of the preview model and potential field grid method was proposed; and based on a sigmoid function, the weight distribution of the two driver-model outputs was realized. Finally, the driver in-the-loop simulation test based on collision avoidance bench test and real vehicle test was carried out. The results show that the output steering action of the improved driver model is more consistent with actual driver behavior. The accuracy of tracking the obstacle avoidance path and vehicle stability were also taken into account to ensure the safety of obstacle avoidance.
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