Variabilidade gen谷tica e efeito do ambiente para o teor de prote赤na em grˋos de feijˋo

作者:Buratto; Juliana Sawada; Cirino; Vania Moda; Scholz; Maria Brigida dos Santos; Langame; Diego Eduardo de Moraes; Fonseca Junior; Nelson da Silva; Prete; Cassio Egidio Cavenaghi
来源:Acta Scientiarum - Agronomy, 2009.


the objective this study was to evaluate the genetic variability, environmental effect and stability for the protein content in common bean grains. two experiments were conducted: one for the carioca group and another for the black group, during the dry season of 2006, in three locations in the state of paran芍. a completely randomized block design was used, with three replications and plots consisting of four rows with 5 m, spaced 0.50m apart. two-hundred-gram samples were collected from each plot at physical maturity. the grain samples were stored in a cold chamber. a joint analysis of variance showed significant genotype, environment and genotype-environment interaction effects. these results indicate the existence of genetic variability among the genotypes of the common bean, and each genotype showed different behavior in the different environments in which they were evaluated. the genotypes that showed higher average levels of protein, wide adaptability and high behavioral stability were: ft120, ft soberano, xamego and lp99-96 (black group); brs pontal, ft magn赤fico, iac tibatˋ, iapar 81, ipr juriti and p谷rola (carioca group).
