objective: to analyze doctoral dissertation abstracts of a graduate program in nursing. methods: this exploratory study was conducted in december, 2005. the doctoral dissertation abstracts were evaluated using criteria set by the nbr 6028/1990 of the brazilian association of technical norms on a 12-item scale. the analysis was conducted with the graphpad prism software. results: sixty five doctoral dissertations were defended between february 2001 and december 2005. among these dissertations, 38.98% consisted of topics in public health. abstracts published in 2005 had higher score in the abnt scale (c2=6.84, p=0.008). scores were transformed into grades, which led to 61% of approval. conclusions: the findings of this study might contribute to faculty and student%26apos;s reflections on the quality of doctoral dissertation abstracts, which must meet established nbr/abnt criteria.