This article analyses those philosophical-political positions that will always be found in Araquist芍in, beyond the fact that this socialist goes through different phases of greater or lesser political radicalism. Araquist芍in remained always faithful to a regenerationist vision of the problem of Spain. He was an accidentalist, his socialism had a clear neo-Kantian inspiration and he always preferred a philosophy of sceptical or relativist orientation. However, it was from his period of exile, in the last stages of his life, that all those elements achieved a greater coherence and harmony. Este art赤culo analiza aquellas posiciones filos車fico-pol赤ticas que siempre encontraremos en Araquist芍in, m芍s all芍 de que este socialista pase por diversas fases de mayor o menor radicalismo pol赤tico. Araquist芍in permaneci車 fiel a una visi車n regeneracionista del problema de Espa a, fue accidentalista, su socialismo tuvo una clara inspiraci車n neokantiana y prefiri車 por lo general una filosof赤a de orientaci車n esc谷ptica o relativista. No obstante, fue en el per赤odo del exilio, en la 迆ltima etapa de su vida, cuando todos esos elementos lograron una mayor coherencia y armon赤a.