
sedimentary pollen catalogues are aids in the study of paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the last millennia. in this context, palynological analysis of two sedimentary profiles from inside araucaria forests of rio grande do sul state was done. descriptions of gymnosperm and angiosperm pollen and ecological data of the respective taxa are presented. the analysis involved samples of two sedimentary profiles from the late quaternary of sˋo francisco de paula (profile 1: alpes de sˋo francisco, 29o29's-50o37'w, profile 2: banhado amarelo, 29o18's-50o08'w), collected with a hiller sampler. chemical processing of the samples followed standard methodology, using hcl, hf, koh, acetolysis and slide mounts in glycerol-jelly. the analysis was done by light microscopy. all material is described and illustrated. palynomorphs of three gymnosperms and 65 angiosperms are presented. pollen assemblage richness shows the potential of this material in offering relevant environmental information, in the study of genesis and dynamics of the araucaria forest.
