
O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar n赤veis (0,0; 3,5; 7,0; 10,5 e 14,0%) de res赤duo da macera o do milho em substitui o ao farelo de soja sobre o consumo, digestibilidade e produ o de leite em vacas mesti as em lacta o. O delineamento experimental foi o quadrado latino (5x5). Foi observada uma diminui o dos consumos de mat谷ria seca (16,27 kg dia-1, 3,57% PV e 159,60 g kg-0,75). As demais vari芍veis acompanharam seu comportamento, exceto o consumo de nutrientes digest赤veis totais(11,46 kg dia-1) que n o sofreu altera o. Observou-se que os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de todos os nutrientes n o foram alterados. A produ o de leite, a produ o de leite corrigido para o teor de gordura e a percentagem de gordura do leite foram de 14,08 kg dia-1; 14,05 kg dia-1 e 3,99%, respectivamente. A inclus o do res赤duo diminuiu o consumo, contudo, a digestibilidade dos ingredientes, a produ o de leite e o teor de gordura n o foram alterados. The experiment was conducted with the objective of evaluating levels (0.0; 3.5; 7.0; 10.5 and 14.0%) of maize maceration residue in substitution of soybean meal on the consumption, digestibility and production of crossbred lactating cows. The experimental design chosen was the Latin square (5x5). A reduction was observed in theconsumption of dry matter (16.27 kg day-1, 3.57% LW and 159.60 g kg-0.75). The other nutrients followed this behavior, except the consumption of total digestible nutrients (11.46 kg day-1), which was not altered. It was observed that the coefficients of apparentdigestibility of all nutrients were not modified. Milk production, milk production corrected for fat levels and the percentage of milk fat were 14.08 kg day-1, 14.05 kg day-1 and 3.99%, respectively. The inclusion of the residue diminished the consumption; however, thedigestibility of the ingredients, milk production and fat levels were not altered.
