
The present study evaluated the acute inflammatory response induced bycarrageenin (500 ㏒gg) injected in the swim bladder of Nile tilapia, after fed or not probiotic supplemented diet. Fifty four fish were distributed in six treatments and three replicates: Group A: Fish fed unsupplemented diet: 0.5 mL saline-injected fish; fish injected with 500 ㏒gg carrageenin diluted in 0.5 mL saline; Non-injected. Group B: Fish fed probiotic supplemented diet: saline-injected fish; carrageenin-injected fish; Non-injected. Fifteen days after feeding the fish were injected with carrageenin or saline. After six hours, inflammatory exudate was collected, as well as the blood for hematocrit, red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) counts, differential count of leucocytes and phagocytic activity in the blood. Supplementation with probiotic did not influence the RBC, hematocrit and the numbers of lymphocytes and basophils in the blood. The number of neutrophils was significantly higher in supplemented fish injected with carrageenin. Glucose concentration in supplemented and non-injected fish was higher than that observed in the saline injected ones. Probiotic potentialized the migration of cells to the inflammatory focus in the animals injected with the carrageenin irritant. In fish injected with saline and carrageenin occurred the greatest phagocytic activity in the blood in relation to those treatments. Este trabalho avaliou a resposta inflamatoria aguda induzida por injecao de carragenina (500 Yg) na bexiga natatoria de tilapia do Nilo suplementada ou nao com probiotico na racao. Cinquenta e quatro animais foram distribuidos em seis tratamentos com tres repeticoes: Grupo A: peixes alimentados com racao naosuplementada: Controle (injecao de 0,5 mL de solucao salina esteril); Carragenina (injecao de500 ㏒gg de carragenina); Nao-injetada. Grupo B: peixes alimentados com racao suplementada com probiotico: Controle; Carragenina; Nao-injetada. Apos 15 dias de alimentacao foi injetado carragenina ou salina. Apos 6h, realizou-se a coleta de exsudato e sangue para determinacao do hematocrito, contagens totais de eritrocitos, leucocitos, contagem diferencial de leucocitos e atividade fagocitaria no sangue. A suplementacao com probiotico na racao nao influenciou o numero total de eritrocitos, o hematocrito e os numeros de linfocitos e basofilos no sangue dos animais. O numero de neutrofilos foi maior nos peixes suplementados com probiotico einjetados com carragenina. A glicose nos peixes suplementados com probiotico nao-injetados foi maior do que nos injetados com salina. A
