
作者:Muhammad Shafiq; M Nawaz Tahir; William T A Harrison; Islam Ullah Khan
来源:Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, 2013, 69(2): o165-o165.


In the title compound, C18H16ClN3O2S, the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 4.81 (2)~ and the alkyl chain takes on an extended conformation [N〞C〞C〞C = 179.2 (4)~]. The conformation of the thiazine ring is an envelope, with the S atom displaced by 0.805 (3) from the mean plane of the other five atoms (r.m.s. deviation = 0.046 ). The Cl atom is an axial conformation and is displaced by 1.761 (4) from the thiazine ring plane. In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of C〞H...O interactions generate R22(20) loops and further C〞H...O hydrogen bonds link the dimers into (001) sheets. Weak aromatic 羽每羽 stacking interactions [centroid每centroid separations = 3.870 (3) and 3.883 (3) ] are also observed.