
The mesenteric artery is a high caliber vessel dependent on the abdominal artery, right below the emergence of the vessels destined for the liver and stomach. The present study aimed to describe the behavior of the arterial vessel in the small intestine of the crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus). The animals were collected on highways (roadkill). Cannulation of the abdominal aorta, perfusion with warmed water (40oC) and stained latex injection (Neoprene 450, Dupont do Brasil and Sulvinil stain, Glassuret S.A) were performed, followed by formaldehyde fixation (10%). The dissection and photographic documents (Sony Cyber-shot, 8.1 megapixels) made it possible to systemize the arteries and define the vascular patterns of the viscera. It was verified that the mesenteric cranial artery supports the entire jejune and the mesenteric portion of the ileum. Next to the mesenteric border, it becomes an anastomosis forming vascular arches from where straight arteries leave, supplying the mesenteric portion and sometimes also the jejunal antimesentericportion. The artery that irrigates the ileum comes up as a branch of the cranial mesenteric artery. Anatomic knowledge of the vascular pattern of the crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) is of fundamental importance for researches regarding the arterialdistribution of the intestine considering anatomic variances. A art谷ria mesent谷rica 谷 um vaso de grande calibre dependente da art谷ria aorta abdominal, imediatamente abaixo da emerg那ncia dos vasos destinados ao f赤gado e est mago. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever o comportamento dos vasos arteriais do intestino delgado em m o-pelada (Procyon cancrivorus). Os animais s o procedentes de coleta em rodovias (mortos por acidente). Realizou-se a canula o da aorta abdominal, perfus o com 芍gua aquecida (40oC) e inje o de l芍tex corado (Neoprene 450, Dupont do Brasil e Sulvinil Corante, Glassuret S.A), seguido de fixa o em formalde赤do (10%). As disseca es edocumenta o fotogr芍fica (Camera Sony Cyber-shot, 8.1 megapixels) permitiram sistematizar as art谷rias e definir os padr es vasculares da v赤scera. Verificamos que a art谷ria mesent谷rica cranial supre todo o jejuno e a face mesent谷rica do 赤leo. Pr車ximo 角 borda mesent谷rica, anastomosa-se formando as arcadas vasculares e desta partem as art谷rias retas, que suprem 角 face mesent谷rica e, 角s vezes, a face antimesent谷rica do jejuno. A art谷ria que irriga o 赤leo surge como 迆ltimo ramo da art谷ria mesent谷rica cranial. O conhecimento anat mico do padr o vascular de m o-pelada (Procyon cancrivorus) 谷 de fundamental import
