In areas such as 3D printing and express logistics, irregular packing results from the need to place parts or goods of different shapes in a defined space. A placement solution could be put forward, allowing as many polyhedra as possible to fit into a given container, or a batch of objects could be placed so closely together that they occupy the smallest volume, which is known as the irregular packing problem. This is an NP problem but is difficult to solve efficiently. This paper undertook the following investigation: placing a given set of polyhedra inside a 3D container with a variable dimension, so that the variable dimension of the packed container could be minimized. We proposed a reinforcement learning based algorithm, AC-HAPE3D. This algorithm could model the problem into a Markov process using the heuristic algorithm HAPE3D, and then utilize the policy-based reinforcement learning method Actor-Critic. We simplified the representation of state information by using voxels to represent containers and polyhedra, and employed neural networks to represent value and policy functions; to address the problem of variable length of state information as well as action space, we adopted a masking approach to masking some of the inputs and outputs, and introduced LSTM to handle variable length of state information. Experiments conducted on five different datasets show that the algorithm can yield good results. ? 2022 The Authors.
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