Electromagnetic Pulses Generated From Laser Target Interactions at Shenguang Ⅱ Laser Facility

作者:杨进文; 李廷帅; 易涛; 王传珂; 杨鸣; 杨为明; 刘慎业; 江少恩; 丁永坤
来源:Plasma Science and Technology, 2016, (10): 1044-1048.


Significant electromagnetic pulses(EMP) can be generated by the intensive laser irradiating solid targets in inertial confinement fusion(ICF). To evaluate the EMP intensity and distribution in and outside the laser chamber, we designed and fabricated a discone antenna with ultra-wide bands of over 10 GHz. The return loss(S11parameter) of this antenna was below-10 d B and could even achieve under-30 d B at 3.1 GHz. The EMP intensity in this study at80 cm and 40 cm away from the target chamber center(TCC) reached 400 k V/m and 2000 k V/m.The current results are expected to offer preliminary information to study physics regarding laser plasma interactions and will also lay experimental foundation for EMI shielding design to protect various diagnostics.