the participation of the human histocompatibility system (hla: human leukocyte antigens) in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases is well known. situated on the short arm of chromosome 6, the hla system is very polymorphic and has the capacity to confer susceptibility or resistance to different diseases. in dermatology, this system has an important participation in the pathogenesis and natural course of various diseases. the strength and type of association differ with conditions and sometimes with the ethnic-racial group studied. the discovery of molecular methods to typify hla alleles and recent updates in its nomenclature has contributed to a better understanding of this system. unfortunately, this information has not been adequately transmitted in the literature, hindering identification of the association of the hla with skin diseases. in this review, some aspects of the hla system are discussed, such as methods of detection, nomenclature and association with vitiligo, pemphigus, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, scabies, cutaneous leishmaniasis, leprosy, paracoccidiodomycosis and atopic dermatitis.