Triagem sorol車gica e influ那ncia do conhecimento sobre a dengue em pacientes do ambulat車rio de especialidades do SUS

作者:Vilas Boas; Viviane Aparecida; Rocha; Katya Cristina; Oliveira; Claudia Giorgia Bronzatti de; Sant' Anna; Aleksandra Vanessa Lambiasi; Azzalis; Ligia Ajaime; Beltrame; Registila Libania; Junqueira; Virginia Berlanga Campos; Fonseca; Fernando Luiz Affonso
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2011.


introduction: dengue is a public health problem in brazil and worldwide. objective: to determine dengue seropositivity of patients from sus specialty laboratory by correlating the results with socio-demographic data. methods: one hundred and eighty-four questionnaires on socio-demographic assessment and dengue transmission awareness were filled out. enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) method was performed for the detection of igm and igg antibodies against dengue virus. results: fifteen percent of patients had igg against dengue virus without the presence of igm. conclusion: all patients showed disease and prevention awareness regardless of their socio-economic background. the asymptomatic infection must be evaluated mainly in cases of disease with fever.
