
作者:廉超; 张浚哲; 李嫣然; 刘海丽; 吴奕光; 刘晓军*; 李学雷*
来源:中国整形与重建外科(英文), 2019, 1(02): 1-4.


Severe thermal burns usually result in complex facial problems such as contracture and formation of hyper/hypopigmentation, contracture, hypertrophic scars or deformity, with patients often requiring reconstructive surgery. Therefore, seeking a superior and reliable burn therapy remains a great challenge for plastic and burn surgeons. However, the optimal treatment of thermal injuries remains controversial. In the 1960 s, a new therapeutic concept, that sterile polyethylene film might be used as a type of moist occlusive dressing, was successively proposed. Below we present a hypothesis that combined utilization of sterile polyethylene film and burn cream may be a novel and superior therapeutic approach for thermal burns. To distinguish this method from traditional moist burn therapy, this new therapy we proposed is named modified moist occlusive burn therapy(MMOBT).