Trece genotipos de Bromus catharticus Vahl. (cebadilla criolla) se evaluaron, durante 3 a os, utilizando un dise o experimental completamente aleatorizado con seis repeticiones para estimar par芍metros estad赤sticos y gen谷ticos. Por planta individual se analizaron los siguientes caracteres: n迆mero de macollos, n迆mero de panojas, n迆mero de espiguillas por espiga, n迆mero de semillas llenas, n迆mero de semillas totales, peso de 1000 semillas, largo de la panoja, ancho de hoja bandera y largo de hoja bandera. Las pruebas multivariadas mostraron diferencias significativas para todos los caracteres en estudio. La varianza gen谷tica fue superior a la ambiental en los tres a os para todos los caracteres. La heredabilidad en sentido amplio vari車 de 0,48 a 0,90. La relaci車n entre el coeficiente de variaci車n gen谷tica y ambiental vari車 de 1,14 a 3,21 para todos los caracteres, lo que indica que la selecci車n tiene las mejores condiciones en t谷rminos de ganancia gen谷tica inmediata. La alta variabilidad detectada en todos los genotipos, la alta heredabilidad y la relaci車n coeficiente de variaci車n gen谷tica y ambiental mayor a uno, resultan promisorios para la realizaci車n de programas de selecci車n orientados a la mejora gen谷tica de cebadilla criolla. Over a three-year period, 13 genotypes of Bromus catharticus Vahl. (prairie grass) were evaluated in a completely randomized design with six replications to estimate statistical and genetic parameters. Individual plants were analyzed in relation to the following characters: number of tillers, number of panicles, number of spikelets per spike, total number of seeds and number of full seeds, weight of 1000 seeds, length of panicle, flag leaf length and flag leaf width. Multivariate tests were conducted which showed significant differences for all characters. The genetic variance was higher than the environmental variance in the three years for all characters. Broad-sense heritability ranged from 0.48 to 0.90. The relationship between the coefficient of genetic and environmental variation ranged from 1.14 to 3.21 for all traits, indicating that the selection has the best conditions in terms of immediate genetic gain. The high variability detected in all genotypes, the high heritability and the relationship of coefficient of genetic and environmental variation greater than one, are promising for the implementation of selection programs aimed at genetic improvement of prairie grass.