Ocorr那ncia simultanea de s赤ndrome de Evans e anemia falciforme em uma crianˋa de 2 anos

作者:Brito; Adriana Alexandre; Leite; Luiz Arthur Calheiros; Martin; Rubia Maysa; Ramos; Fernando Wagner da Silva; Reis; Simone Medeiros Beder
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2012.


the association of sickle cell anemia (sca) and evans syndrome (es) seems to be uncommon. this study aimed to report a case of a child with sca and se. 2 year-old r. m. s. s. was admitted into a hematologic center with mucosal bleedings. exam results revealed leucocyte 20.3 ℅ 109/l, hemoglobin 4.6 g/dl, and platelets 28 ℅ 109/l. subsequently, myelogram was performed and showed erythroid-hypercellularity, which suggested hemolysis. positive antiglobulin test corroborated the diagnosis of es. corticosteroid pulse therapies were conducted until normalization of platelet count. sickle cells were detected in blood smears and hemoglobin electrophoresis revealed ss phenotype. despite the fact the association appears to occur randomly, it causes severe clinical symptoms, which must be promptly recognized.
