The Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARD*S) are therapeutic agents which rapidly reduce the intensity of inflammation and facilitate induction of remission. The sages of Ayurveda invented many remedies to combat this disease. Here an effort is made to evaluate once again the efficacy of some of the remedies. Ama and Vata are the two chief pathognomonic factors in causing Amavata. Ama has the qualities of heaviness (guru), unctuousness (Snigdha), immobility (Sthira), bulkiness (Sthula), and sliminess or stickiness (Pichhila). Vata has the properties of lightness (Laghu), dryness (Ruksha), movement (Chala), subtleness (Sukshma), and clearness (Vishada). Ama is the undigested food which results due to Mandagni (sluggish digestive fire) which is caused due to various reasons. All types of metabolic fires (Agnis) become sluggish in this disease. The stagnant Ama is called Ama visha. Ama is the substance which is the resultant of improper digestion of the food due to hypo-functioning of the gastric juices (Jatharagni). The drugs having the qualities of Tiktam (astringent), Deepana (appetizer) and Katu (pungent) modify the disease due to their qualities. The purgation property (Virechana guna) modifies the process of disease. Castor oil (Eranda Tailam) cures Vata diseases. It has been observed that after administration of Castor oil, the fluid from the inflamed joints and tissues has been drained away. Castor oil relieves pain, reduces inflammation and swelling, increases lymphatic circulation, reduces flatulence, stimulates the liver and the gall bladder, and reduces toxins. A scientific study on the effect of castor oil on humans found castor oil to be an antitoxin, and as having an impact on the lymphatic system enhancing the immune functioning of the body. Panchakola churnam is anti-inflammatory; it is an anti-oxidant, an immunomodulator, and a rejuvenator too. Hingu Triguna Tailam is digestive, carminative, analgesic and anti-rheumatic.