agenesis is defined as the absence of teeth by single or sindromics genetic alterations. third molar agenesis is associated to malformations and is considered a consequence of human evolution by several authors. third molar are the teeth with greater percentage of agenesis along with seconds premolars and lateral incisors. the frequency varies between 9% and 37%, while arboleda et al., (2006) indicate a 20% of agenesis. literature indicates statistical variables percentage, by gender, dental arches, side and tooth, however few arricies in original groups of chile. the population in study consisted of 400 young people (200 men and 200 women) between 14 and 20 years of age patient of a clinic of orthodontia of the city of antofagasta, chile. all the patients had to be healthy, without any type of general and maxillof acial malformation, who had not presented infectious diseases that altered the odontogenesis and the periods of eruption, without exodontias of third molar and without previous orthodontic treatment to the panoramic x-ray examination. a 24.75% of cases of agenesis were determined, with a percentage of 12.63% of agenesis with respect to the total number of third molars and 1.58% of agenesis of third molar in relation to the total of teeth. agenesis in the female predominates, at mandibular level, in the right side, of double type and being the prevalent tooth is mandibular right third molar, without appearing significant statistical differences to 95% of confidence.