most of food production and its transformation, destined either to export or local markets, is located in the argentine pampas region. the majority of the population is also located there, with the largest percentage of households with unsatisfied economic needs. despite the importance of food consumption, few studies have examined food demand and elasticities, whose knowledge is useful to the production sector for strategic decisions as well as the government for the design of public policies. this paper estimates a demand system by using a linearized almost ideal demand system (la/aids) with data from the argentine national household expenditure survey corresponding to the pampean region in the 1990s decade. demographic, cultural as well as socioeconomic variables are included, and they present different levels of statistical significance. expenditure, compensated and uncompensated elasticities were also estimated. the estimated coefficients show the expected signs and most of them are lower than unity. however, and similar to previous studies, their absolute values seem too high, which is attributed to methodological issues related to data collection.