The Weberian apparatus is essentially a mechanical device improving audition, consisting of a double chain of ossicles joining the air bladder to the inner ear. Despite being one of the most notable complex systems of teleost fishes and the subject of several comparative, developmental and functional studies, there is still much controversy concerning the origin, evolution and homologies of the structures forming this apparatus. In this paper I provide a new insight on these topics, which takes into account the results of recent works on comparative anatomy, paleontology, and ontogeny as well as of a recent extensive phylogenetic analysis including not only numerous otophysan and non-otophysan extant otocephalans but also ostariophysan fossils such as Chanoides macropoma, Clupavus maroccanus, Santanichthys diasii, Lusitanichthys characiformis, Sorbininardus apuliensis and Tischlingerichthys viohli. According to the evidence now available, the Weberian apparatus of otophysans seems to be the outcome of a functional integration of features acquired in basal otocephalans and in basal ostariophysans, which were very likely not directly related with the functioning of this apparatus, and of features acquired in the nodes leading to the Otophysi and to the clade including the four extant otophysan orders, which could well have been the result of a selection directly related to the functioning of the apparatus. El aparato weberiano es esencialmente un dispositivo mec芍nico que mejora la audici車n, consiste en una doble cadena de os赤culos que unen la c芍mara de aire al o赤do interno. A pesar de ser uno de los sistemas complejos m芍s notables de peces tele車steos y objeto de varios estudios comparativos, de desarrollo y funcionales, todav赤a hay mucha controversia sobre el origen, evoluci車n y homolog赤as de las estructuras que forman este aparato. En este trabajo se proporciona una nueva visi車n sobre estos temas, que tiene en cuenta los resultados de los 迆ltimos trabajos sobre la anatom赤a comparada, paleontolog赤a y la ontogenia, as赤 como de un reciente an芍lisis filogen谷tico amplio que incluyen no s車lo numerosos otoc谷falos Otofisios y no Otofisios existentes, sino tambi谷n f車siles Ostariofisios como Chanoides macropoma, Clupavus maroccanus, Santanichthys diasii, Lusitanichthys characiformis, Sorbininardus apuliensis y Tischlingerichthys viohli. Seg迆n las pruebas disponibles, el aparato weberiano de Otofisios parece ser el resultado de una integraci車n funcional de las caracter赤sticas adquiridas en otoc谷falos basales y en ostariofisios basales, los cuales muy probablemente