background: conventional surgical treatment of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (aaa) can result in serious complications. to optimize treatment outcome it is important to identify patients at risk of having complications and implement prophylaxis. objectives: to analyze early surgical mortality rate and postsurgical complications, and to identify risk factors related to morbidity and mortality. method: a total of 134 patients with infrarenal aaa submitted to elective surgical correction from february 2001 to december 2005 were analyzed. results: the mortality rate (5.2%) was secondary mainly to acute myocardial infarction and intestinal ischemia. heart-related complications were the most frequent, followed by lung and kidney complications. presence of diabetes mellitus, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, and scintigraphy suggestive of ischemia were related to cardiac complications. advanced age, chronic obstructive lung disease and reduced forced vital capacity were related to higher risks of atelectasis and pulmonary infection. presence of renal failure, prolonged aortic clamping and high urea rates were related to acute renal failure. smoking and advanced age were associated with lower limb ischemia. presence of obstructive coronary insufficiency and prolonged aortic clamping and surgery time were associated with higher mortality rate. conclusion: the morbidity and mortality rate was compatible with data found in the national and international literature, secondary to cardiac, pulmonary and kidney complications. identified risk factors before and during the surgery were related to these complications.