
The paper 每 similarly to our earlier publications since 1993 每 is trying to&synchronize* early quantum physics, the Kalmanian representation theory, Jungiananalytic psychology, and certain aesthetical categories. The number &137*, the so-calledinverse Fine Structure Constant (FSC), is placed at the centre of this heuristic andepistemological experiment, along with the scientific cooperation of Pauli and Jung. A newpossibilistic twin concept of ※controlling-observing equations§ is proposed for thereinterpretation of the FSC and other Number Archetypes on the basis of the Hermeneuticand symbolic languages found in the W. Pauli and C. G. Jung ※Correspondence§. Thesecond part of the paper deals with the new ways of cognition and imagination related tothe ※Background Control Theory§ which can be identified mainly in the Pauli-Jungcollaboration anticipating the new system and control approach of R. E. KalmanFurthermore, we summarize this unusual attempt and give an extensive bibliography forfurther reading.
