Meningitis y absceso cerebral por Streptococcus intermedius en un paciente con infecci車n por VIH-1

作者:Vallalta Morales; M; Solaz Moreno; E; Lacruz Rodrigo; J; Salavert Lleti; M; Silla Burdalo; G; Perez Belles; C
来源:Anales de Medicina Interna, 2005.


streptococcus milleri group have been recognized as an important pathogens for abscess formation in various organs. streptococci other than streptococcus pneumoniae are a rare cause of bacterial meningitis in adults and can be associated with the presence of an undiagnosed brain abscess. brain abscess is a focal collection within the brain parenchyma wich can arise as a complication of a variety of infections. the most common etiologic organisms in clinical series have been microaerophilic streptococci and anaerobic bacterias. although intracraneal mass lesions that occur as a result of infection have commonly been reported in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, brain abscess due to the common bacterial pathogens are rarely described in hiv infected patients and toxoplasma gondii is the organism most frecuently isolated from stereotactic brain biopsy in these patients. we report a patient with both hiv-1 infection and streptococcal meningitis secondary to brain abscess caused by s. intermedius
